Chip of the Old Block, Original Big Tree.

Section of the Original Big Tree, 92 feet in Circumference.

Section of the original big Tree, 92 feet in Circumference.

The Two Brothers, Mariposa Grove.

Father of the Forest, 450 feet long, 112 feet in circumference, 37 feet in Diameter.

Mother of the Forest, 327 feet high, 26 feet in Diameter.

The Grizzled Giant, 30 feet Diameter, Mariposa Grove.

The Pioneers Cabin.

Mammoth Tree Grove Hotel.

Mammoth Trees - Section of the Original Big Tree, 92 ft. in circumference.

Mammoth Trees, California.

Mammonth Trees, Father of the Forest, 450 ft. long.

Mammonth Tree, California.

Section of the Original Big Tree, 92 ft. in circumference.

Chip of the Old Block, Original Big Tree.

Section of the Original Big Tree, 92 ft. in circumference.

Gateway for Equestrians through the Father of the Forest.

Key Stone State.

Keystone State.

Keystone State.

The Keystone State, Mariposa Grove, California.

Saratoga, Calif. Feb. 15, 1900. [Picnic.]

At the Hacienda, New Almaden.

At the Hacienda, New Almaden.

At the Hacienda, New Almaden.

Smelting Works, New Almaden.

The New Road, New Almaden.

Residence of Senator Stanford, wrecked by the terrible earthquake, Palo Alto, Cal.

Smelting Works, New Almaden.

In the tunnel, New Almaden.