Refugees' Camp at ball grounds in Golden Gate Park.

Looking east from corner Ellis and Jones.

View of Nobb Hill, the millionaire residence district.

Ruins of the Jewish Synagogue on Sutter St.

Looking east from corner Pine and Stockton.

Forming bread line at Jefferson Square.

California St., looking toward the Ferry Depot.

True grit. Barber painting sign on tent.

Looking northeast from Sutter and Jones.

Market Street from ferry depot.

Refugee camp made of scrap iron.

Ferry landing from Oakland.

Ferry landing from Oakland.

Ferry landing from Oakland.

Ferry landing from Oakland.

Refugees' camp in Jefferson Square.

Refugees' camp in Jefferson Square.

Refugees' camp in Jefferson Square.

Refugees' camp in Jefferson Square.

Ruins of St. Ignatio's Catholic Church.

Ruins of St. Ignatio's Catholic Church.

Ruins of St. Ignatio's Catholic Church.

Ruins of St. Ignatio's Catholic Church.

Ruins of St. Ignatio's Catholic Church.

City Hall from McAllister St., looking northeast. Souvenir hunters in foreground.

City Hall from McAllister St., looking northeast. Souvenir hunters in foreground.

City Hall from McAllister St., looking northeast. Souvenir hunters in foreground.

View from Moulder School distributing station, showing tons of flour on sidewalk.

View from Moulder School distributing station, showing tons of flour on sidewalk.

View from Moulder School distributing station, showing tons of flour on sidewalk.