Memorial Church of the Good Shepherd. (Interior view showing stained glass windows.)

Memorial Church of the Good Shepherd. Erected by Mrs. Samuel Colt.

The organ and chancel.

The baptistry.

The lecturn.

Memorial Church of the Good Shepherd.

Men in an unidentified mill showing belt driven equipment.

Men in an unidentified mill showing belt driven equipment.


Park view.

Mulberry Street bridge.

Residence of Mark Twain.

View of a domed building with decorations hanging from it.

Ancient and Honorable Artillery, Hartford, Conn.

Ancient and Honorable Artillery, Hartford, Conn.

Battle flag celebration, Sept. 17th, 1879.

Battle flag celebration, Sept. 17th, 1879.

Church of the Good Shepherd (interior).

Church of the Good Shepherd.

Memorial Church of the Good Shepherd Hartford, Connecticut. Erected by Mrs. Samuel Colt.

Charter Oak Life Insurance Company [building].

Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company [building], Hartford, Conn.

Commercial street with printer, insurance company, and hotel.

Exchange corner.

Main Street.

Museum Avenue.

Front view from lawn.

North wing.

Residence of J.W. [?] Boynton, East Hartford, Conn., 1869.

View at Armsmear, residence of Mrs. Samuel Colt, Hartford, Conn.