Palmetto Avenue, Fort George, Fla.

Drive at Fort George.

Palmettos, Fort George.

Palmetto Avenue, Fort George Island, Florida. [#481]

Myrtle Avenue, Fort George Island, Florida. [#480]

Palmetto Avenue, Fort George Island.

Palmetto trees at Fort George, Florida.

Oaks and palmetos, Fort George, Florida.

Negro quarters, plantation, Fort George Island.

Negro quarters, Plantation, Fort George Island.

Myrtle Avenue, Fort George Island.

Farming, Fort George Island.

Negro quarters, Plantation, Fort George Island, Florida.

Negro quarters, Plantation, Fort George Island, Florida.

The Oaks, Estate of M.E. Parker, Esq. Fort George Island.

Fort George Island, looking to the inlet.

Ruins of slave quarters, Ft. George.

Palmetto Avenue, Fort George, Fla. [No. 13].

Arch on St. George Avenue.

Dr. Bary's residence and grove, Enterprise, Florida.

Brock House, Enterprise, Florida.

Sulphur springs at Dr. Bary's residence, Enterprise, Florida.

Sulphur springs at Dr. Bary's residence, Enterprise, Florida.

Dr. Bary's residence and orange grove, Enterprise, Florida.

Brock House, Enterprise, Florida.

Brock House, Enterprise, Florida.

Brock House and Wharf, Enterprise, Florida.

Group of live oaks, Enterprise, Florida.

Group of live oaks, Enterprise, Florida.

View from Wharf, Enterprise, Florida.