Drawbridge of the Old Spanish Fort showing Mantanzas River with Anastasia Island in the distance.

Group of the 3 most celebrated Indian Chiefs and 2 women prisoners, confined in the Old Spanish Fort.

Group of the 3 most celebrated Indian Chiefs and 2 women prisoners, confined in the Old Spanish Fort.

Drawbridge of the Old Spanish Fort.

Bird's-eye view of St. Augustine, Florida.

Water battery and hot shot furnace of the Old Spanish Fort, at St. Augustine, Florida.

Water battery and hot shot furnace of the Old Spanish Fort, at St. Augustine, Florida.

Old Fort San Marco.

Old Fort San Marco.

The Entrance to the Old Spanish Fort, at St. Augustine, Florida.

Entrance to the Old Spanish Fort, at St. Augustine, Florida.

Old Fort San Marco.

A View of of the Old Spanish Fort at St. Augustine, Florida.

Old Fort San Marco.

The Door way of the Fort.

The Door way of the Fort.

The Door way of the Fort.

The Doorway of the Fort.

A View of the Old Spanish Fort, at St. Augustine, Florida.

A view of the Old Spanish Fort, at St. Augustine, Florida.

Watch Tower of the Old Spanish Fort, at St. Augustine, Florida.

Watch Tower of the Old Spanish Fort, at St. Augustine, Florida.

Watch Tower of the Old Spanish Fort, at St. Augustine, Florida.

Interior view of the Old Spanish Fort, at St. Augustine, Florida.

Interior view of the Old Spanish Fort, at St. Augustine, Florida.

Stairway in the Old Spanish Fort, at St. Augustine, Florida.

Stairway in the Old Spanish Fort, at St. Augustine, Florida.

An interior of the Old Spanish Fort, at St. Augustine.

Stairway in the Old Spanish Fort, at St. Augustine, Florida.

Stairway in the Old Spanish Fort, at St. Augustine, Florida.