Terrors of the alligator swamp, Florida.

Crocodiles, Palm Beach, Florida.

Alligators basking on riverbank.

Deer hunters' camp in in Florida.

Jacksonville [Man with rifle peering into the river, town in the background].

Alligator, Florida.

Alligator, Florida.

Alligator basking on river banks.

Man aiming gun at small alligator.

Man with rifle standing near a road.

Basking in the sunshine.

Live alligator.

Banana grove, Ocala.

Oranges) Florida.

Date palm.

In McCormick's coco grove.

A pyramid of cotton seed, Florida.

A pyramid of cotton seed, Florida.


Date palm.


Banana blossom.

Banana blossom.

Citron. [Orange tree with fruit.]

Citrus. [Orange tree with fruit.]

Orange tree with fruit.

The cocoanut [coconut] palm, Florida.

The pine apple of Florida.

Cocunut Ave. [View of coconut tree-lined route.]

Grinding sugar cane.