Bird's eye view of Savannah, Georgia.

Bird's eye view of Bull Street.

Bird's eye view of Bull Street.

Bird's eye view of Bull Street.

Panorama of Savannah, Ga.

Panorama of Savannah, Georgia.

Panorama of Savannah, Georgia.

Bird's view of Savannah.

Bird's eye view of Savannah, Ga.

Bird's eye view of Savannah.

Green House, Macon, Ga.

Central City Park. Central Warehouse.

Blind Asylum B.

View of Tell and Mepenger building, Macon, Ga.

View of Music Stand, Central Park, Macon, Ga.

View of Court House, Bibb County, Macon, Ga.

View of Episcopal Church, Walnut Street.

View of Mulberry Street, from corner of Second Street, south view.

View of Macon, from Court House Dome north west.

View of Macon, from Court House Dome west.

Knight Templars, Macon, Ga.

Cotton Ave, Macon, Ga.

Wesleyan Female College.

Street scene: Watermelon wagon.

Stuffing cotton.

Cotton in R.R. yard.

Fountain and Monument Street, showing Court House in the distance.

Lightwood merchants.

Broad Stret, looking up from McIntosh Street.

City Market House. Watermelon wagons standing in the foreground.