St. James (Episcopal) Church.

View of Wabash Avenue, looking north.

General view of the ruins from Tribune Building, Booksellers Row in the centre.

Tribune Building, cor. Madison & Dearborn Streets, looking east.

Washington Street, from cor. LaSalle looking east.

Fifth National Bank N.E. cor. Clark & Washington Sts., looking north.

Court House, seen through ruins of Fifth National Bank.

Court House, seen through ruins of east side of Clark Street.

Chamber of Commerce, from cor. LaSalle & Washington Streets looking east.

Chamber of Commerce, from cor. LaSalle & Washington Streets looking east.

Building of the Republic Insurance Co., LaSalle Street.

Tribune Building, cor. Dearborn & Madison Sts. Combination views: [before and after fire].

Second Presbyterian Church, Wabash Avenue. Combination views: [before and after fire].

View after the Chicago fire.

Insurance Building.

South Water Street.

Post Office.

Interior of St. Paul's Church.

Palmer House.

Court House.

From Michigan Avenue Hotel.

From Michigan Avenue Hotel.

From Michigan Avenue Hotel north-west.

Illinois Central Land Office.

St. James Church.

Wood's Museum.

Col[onel] Wood's Museum.

From Tribune Building looking N.W.

Lake-Side Publishing Co., corner Clark & Adams Streets.

G.B. Bryan's Safe Depository.