View of tornado damage.

Horse in the midst of ruins.

Rear view of Dr. Chamberlains's house after the tornado.

Mr. Carhart's cellar in which the family took refuge and were all saved.

Brick College after the storm.

College before the storm.

College bell.

Mr. Clark's house, nothing much left but stairs.

Train upset on Central R.R.

President McGoun's barn.

Scene showing how things were splintered where the storm was most severe.

Mr. Clark's house occupied by editor of Signal.

C.P. Craver's house, showing the corner of cellar where the occupants of the house were saved.

Remains of Dr. Chamberlain's buggy.

Mr. Sander's cellar in which the family took refuge.

Mr. Smoke's house.

Dr. Grewell's house. Five of the family held in the ruins but unhurt.

Residence of Mr. Chamberlain, looking north. (#20).

People in a vineyard, Dubuque, Iowa.

Relaxing rattlesnake, Dubuque, Iowa.

View of a log raft in the foreground with a building far behind, Dubuque, Iowa.

Scenes of destruction from the Catfish Creek flood 1876, Dubuque, Iowa.

Freshet in 1876, Dubuque, Iowa.

A rural scene with a mountan backdrop. Dubuque, Iowa.

Freshet in 1876, Dubuque, Iowa.

Scenes of the destruction from the Catfish Creek flood, 1876. Dubuque, Iowa.

Freshet in 1876, Dubuque, Iowa.

Freshet in 1876, Dubuque, Iowa.

Freshet in 1876, Dubuque, Iowa.

View of the business district below, Dubuque, Iowa.