Snowball Archway [of gypsum].

Wild Hall.

Beyond the "Bridge of Sighs."

Beyond the "Bridge of Sighs."

View from "Bridge of Sighs."

View from "Bridge of Sighs."

View from "Bridge of Sighs."

Gorin's Dome.

Gorin's Dome.

Gorin's Dome.

Entrance to "Long Route."

Giant's Coffin.

Giant's Coffin.

Entrance to "Rocky Hall."

Wandering Willie's Spring.

Wandering Willie's Spring.

Wandering Willie's Spring.

Devil's Arm Chair.

The Altar.

The Altar.

Column of Hercules."

Column of Hercules."

Column of Hercules."

Gothic chapel."

Gothic chapel."

Mouth of the cave.

Mouth of the cave.

Path leading to the mouth of cave.

Curious sand-stone rock.

Southern Exposition, 1883: machinery exhibit.