Camden, looking north.

Camden village, Maine.

Camden from Shermans Point.

Camden harbor.

Camden harbor, from the bridge over Megunticook River in the village.

Camden as seen from the top of Mount Battie.

Bird's-eye view of Camden, Maine.

Looking east from Bay View House, Camden, Maine.

A log cabin.


Centennial celebration at Buxton, Me. The tables before dinner, 1200 feet long. Aug. 14, 1872.

Centennial celebration at Buxton, Me., Aug. 14, 1872.

Centennial celebration at Buxton, Me., Aug. 14, 1872.

Centennial celebration at Buxton, Me., Aug. 14, 1872.

Centennial celebration at Buxton, Me., Aug. 14, 1872.

Scene on the Saco, Buxton, Me.

Scene on the Saco, Buxton, Me.

On the Saco, Buxton, Me.

On the Saco, Buxton, Me.

Centennial celebration, Buxton, Maine. Clearing the tables, com. of arrangement and ladies at work, Aug. 14, 1872.

Steamboat landing, Bar Harbor, Mt. Desert, Me.

Bar Harbor, from Scott's Hill, Mount Desert, Me.

Indian encampment, Bar Harbor, Mount Desert, Me.

West End Hotel, Bar Harbor, Mt. Desert, Me.

Hayward House, Mt. Desert, Me.

Grand Central Hotel, Bar Harbor, Mt. Desert, Me.

Grand Central Hotel, Bar Harbor, Mt. Desert, Me.

The buckboard, Bar Harbor, Mt. Desert, Me.

Buckboard Brigade, Bar Harbor, Mt. Desert, Me.

Steamboat landing, Bar Harbor, Mount Desert, Me.