Freema House, Mt. Desert.

Balance Rock.


Gorge at Spouting Horn.

Old Mill at Somesville.

At the lake.

At the Ovens [?], Sept. 4th, 1872.

Echo Head [Echo Lake and Great Head], Sept. 2, 1872.

Coast of Maine.


Great Head.

North East Harbor and Sand Point from Flying Mountain.

Haymakers' consultation on the weather.

Louisa at the Well.

Louisa at the Well.

Newport Mountain.

Ship Yard.

Babson's Bridge.

Ship building.

Western view of Hadlock's Pond.

Sargent's Mountain from near Eagle Lake.

Shore view.

Somes' Hotel.

Schooner on the Bar.

Mt. Kineo.

Echo Lake.

A man working at a desk in a barn or shed with the ruins of Kineo house, after a fire, in the background.

Boat fishing.

Moose River.

Kineo House.