High rock, obeservatory [people looking out from observatory].

High rock, obeservatory[person at far right].

[A view of a train in the western Maryland hills.]

Western Maryland Railraod train standing next to covered platform lined with benches, sign at right reads "Pennsylvania."

Railroad trestle in Western Maryland.

Bolivar Heights from Maryland Heights.

D.C. Winebrener, double store, wholesale and retail. 144, 146 & 148, North Market St., Frederick, Md. The place to buy all your goods in one house, at the lowest possible price. Would be pleased to see you.

Thomas Kensett & Co. oyster and fruit packers, Hagerstown, Md.

Valley of St. George's Creek. Cumberland in distance [people in forground].

Valley of St. George's Creek. Cumberland in distance [people in forground].

Valley of St. George's Creek. Cumberland in distance [people in forground].

Valley of St. George's Creek. Cumberland in distance [people in forground].

Valley of St. George's Creek. Cumberland in distance [people in forground].

Valley of St. George's Creek. Cumberland in distance [people in forground].

Street in Frostburg, Maryland

Field scenery in foreground with houses in background.

Harper's Ferry scenery.

Cumberland viaduct and Will's Mountain, Pa.

Valley of St. George's Creek, Pa. [boy sitting by creek].

Valley of St. George's Creek, Pa., [several people posing for a portrait].

Valley of St. George's Creek, Pa., [several people posing for a portrait].

The great falls.

The great falls.

High rock observtory near Penmar, Pa. on the line of the W.M. R.R.

Canal aqueduct over the Conocochague Creek, Williamsport, Md. on line of W.M. R.R.

Panorama Penmar, Penmar Pavillion.

Will's Mountain, Cumberland.

Stretch of railway on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad

Cumberland, Md.[Cumberland viaduct and Will's mountain].

Cumberland Narrows and Mountains.