Druid Hill Park, Baltimore.

Druid Hill Park, Baltimore.

Druid Hill Park, Baltimore.

Water Fountain, Druid Hill Park, Baltimore.

Entrance Gateway to Druid Hill Park.

The Mansion.

Hill and valley in a wealth of foliage. Druid Hill Park.

Skating Lake. Druid Hill Park.

Skating Lake. Druid Hill Park.

Skating Lake. Druid Hill Park.

Skating Lake. Druid Hill Park.

View of rustic benches. Druid Hill Park.

Long Drive in Druid Hill Park with urn-shaped planters..

Mansion House. Druid Hill Park. Baltimore, Md.

Druid Hill Park.

View looking towards Mansion House, from Dummy Station. Druid Hill Park.

Mansion House and Fountain. Druid Hill Park.

Mansion House and Fountain. Druid Hill Park.

Mansion House, south view. Druid Hill Park.

Mansion House, south view. Druid Hill Park.

Entrance Gate to Druid Hill Park.

Druid Hill Park, Baltimore, Md.

Druid Hill Park, Baltimore.

The Lake. Druid Hill Park.

Drinking Fountain, Silver Spring, Druid Hill Park.

Dummy Station at Council Grove.

Druid Hill Park, Baltimore.

Music Stand. Druid Hill Park.

The Music Stand. Druid Hill Park.

Boat House. Druid Hill Park, Baltimore.