Switchboard of Electric Light Company.

Main kitchen in Golden Gate Park.

Opening safes from the great business buildings wrecked by earthquake, San Francisco, Cal.

Union Street, sunk by the great earth convulsion which destroyed the city, San Francisco, Cal.

Slowly clearing away the wreckage of earthquake and fire, from Kohl Bldg., N., San Francisco, Cal.

From Kohl Bldg. south to the once great business center of destroyed San Francisco, Cal.

Train loads of potatoes rushed to the homeless earthquake sufferers, San Francisco, Cal.

Little houses built of paper, earthquake refugees in Jefferson Square, San Francisco, Cal.

Relief work, distributing clothes to the earthquake victims, San Francisco, Cal.

Street kitchens jokingly named for famous hotels, after the earthquake, San Francisco, Cal.

A Restaurant kitchen on the street, outside the burned district, San Francisco, Cal.

Hall of Justice, with tower shaken down by the great earthquake, San Francisco, Cal.

Great destruction brought by earthquake and fire, showing Temple Emanuel, San Francisco. Cal.

After the greatest of modern catastrophes , Market St. N.E., past the Call building, San Francisco, Cal.

After the greatest of modern catastrophes , Market St. N.E., past the Call building, San Francisco, Cal.

Homeless among ruins of former wealth, crude shelters in Union Square, San Francisco, Cal.

Homeless among ruins of former wealth, crude shelters in Union Square, San Francisco, Cal.

Havoc of the terrible earthquake, ruins of the once magnificient City Hall, San Francisco, Cal.

In the ruined city, from Powell and California Strs., N.E. to Telegraph Hill, San Francisco, Cal.

Ruins from which a greater San Francisco will rise, from Pioneer Hall, N. to St. Francis Hotel.

Ruins from which a greater San Francisco will rise, from Pioneer Hall, N. to St. Francis Hotel.

In the wrecked retail district, from Turk Street, near market, S.E., San Francisco, California.

The fire wrecked street cars and once beautiful residence district on California St.

The wreck of San Francisco's magnificent City Hall building destroyed by earthquake and fire.

The beautiful Spreckles residence destroyed by fire and earthquake, San Francisco.

Wrecked Masonic Temple and Jewish Synagogue on Geary St., San Francisco, April 18, 1906.

A millionaire's home on Van Ness Ave., devastated by earthquake and fire April 18, 1906.

The never-ending search for the missing in the earthquake and fire devastated ruins of San Francisco.

Searching for trinkets in front of the once magnificent Crocker Palace, San Francisco.

Market Street, San Francisco's great thoroughfare, showing effect of earthquake on the street.