Orange Tree, Stowe Estate.

Rear View, Residence of Prof. & Mrs. H. B. Stowe.

General View, Residence of Prof. & Mrs. H. B. Stowe.

Date Palm, Residence of M.J. Brown, Esq. A.

Date Palm. Estate of M.J. Brown, Esq.

Date Palm, Estate of M. J. Brown, Esq.

Orange Tree on Stowe Estate.

Orange Tree on Stowe Estate.

Residence of Prof. & Mrs. H. B. Stowe, with Family Group.

Residence of Prof. & Mrs. H. B. Stowe, from Landing.

Live Oak covered with Moss. On the St. Johns River, near Mandarin.

Mrs. H. B. Stowe's Place at Mandarin.

Mandarin, General View.

Residence of Harriet Beecher Stowe, Florida.

Residence of Harriet Beecher Stowe, Florida.

Residence of Harriet Beecher Stowe, Florida.

Florida res., Prof. & Mrs. H. B. Stowe.

Florida res., Prof. & Mrs. H. B. Stowe.

Mrs. H. B. Stowe's House, Fla. Mandarin.

Florida res., Prof. & Mrs. H. B. Stowe.

Florida res., Prof. & Mrs. H. B. Stowe.

Mrs. H. B. Stowe & Family, Fla.

Res. Mrs. H. B. [Stowe], St. Johns River, Fla.

Residence of Mrs. H. B. [Stowe], St. Johns River, Fla.

Mrs. H. B. [Stowe]. St. John River. Florida.

Res. of Mrs. H. B. [Stowe]. St. Johns River, Fla.

Lake Worth Creek, looking south from Jupiter Tower.

M.W. Dimick's home, Lake Worth, Fla.

Coconut Grove Hotel, Lake Worth, Fla.

Coffee tree in fruit at Wildwood grove, Lake Worth, Fla.