iew of a Florida residence.

Century Plant.

Florida Jungle.

Spanish Bayonet.

Florida Palm.

Wild Fig.

The Palmetto.

Magnolia in Bloom.

Cabbage palmetto.


Group of people resting under the palmetto.

A Florida Hammock, U. S. A.

Avenue of Cocoanut Palms, Florida, U. S. A.

Century Plant, Dummett's Grove.

Century Plant, Dummett's Grove.

Century Plant, Dummett's Grove.

House of the Parasite.

Group of Palmettos.

Group of Palmettos.

Group of Palmettos.

Century Plant.

Pine Barren.

Black Rubber Tree, Fla., U. S. A.

Cactus Garden, -- 300 varieties -- Florida.

Paw Paw Tree, Fla., U. S. A.

Where the Water Lillies Bloom in March - Florida, U. S. A.

Where the Water Lillies Bloom in March - Florida, U. S. A.

Florida --The Great Banyan or Indiarubber tree. Largest in America.

Hedge of Century Plants, Florida. U. S. A.

Hedge of Century Plants. Florida.