Corner Washington & LaSalle Streets.

Corner Washington & LaSalle Streets.

West of Ogden's.

View from Cass Street, east.

View from Cass Street, east.

View showing Bigelow House and Post Office.

St. Joseph's Church, (German Catholic).

View of Cass near Illinois Street.

Chamber of Commerce.

View of a drawing] "The Innocent Cause: or the Origin of Chicago Fire" [showing Mrs. O'Leary and her cows].

Corner Lake & Clark Streets.

Corner Adams & Dearborn Streets.

Entrance St. Paul's Church.

Chamber of Commerce.

Honore Block.

Merchants Insurance Building.

Interior Custom House.

Tribune building.

Entrance of west wing of Court House.

West wing of Court House.

Interior Court House.

View to east from Court House.


West end of Court House.

Court House.

Lake Street.

Terrace Row.

Court House seen through ruins of First [?] National Bank.

