The Fissure, looking north.

Pulpit rock.

Lovers leap.

Old man of the mountain.

Aspenwall hotel, Lenox, Mass.

Aspenwall hotel, Lenox, Mass.

A beautiful avenue of Poplars, Lenox, Mass.

Mill River cascade, Leeds, Mass.

Wagons pass under an arch reading "1640 Huntington 1884".

High school, Hancock.

South Hadley dam.

Down South street.

Churches and town hall.

Mill yard.

Chair shop.

Orange view from High street.

Man in a wagon on a commercial street in Great Barrington.

Church street, Great Barrington.

View of falls in Great Barrington.

View of large house with people and wagons in front.

Main Street, Great Barrington.

Main Street, Great Barrington.

View of Great Barrington from East Rock.

View of Great Barrington from East Rock.

Entrance to Sages Ravine.

Collins House from Mt. Peter.

View down South St. in the winter.

View of a residential house.

"Two tenement" in Thorndike with owners at gate.

"Two tenement" in Thorndike with owners at gate.