New Briscoe schoolhouse.

Theatrical group on stage.

Phillips Academy, Andover.

Latin Commons, Phillips Academy.

Abbott Female Academy, Andover, Mass., 1875.

The square, Andover, Mass.

Main Street, Andover, Mass.

Harriet Beecher Stowe's home.

Free Church, Andover, Mass.

Elm arch and library, Andover, Mass.

Theological Seminary, Andover, Mass.

Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass.

Abbott Academy, Andover, Mass.

[The Parsonage, Andover, Mass.]

Seminary at Andover, Mass.

View of a mill stream (in Amesbury?).

View of a mill stream (in Amesbury?).

Bartlett's block and High Street.

The depot.

Hamilton Mills.

Whittier's home, Amesbury.

Jno. Haight's home in the snow.

View of people alongside a flood-damaged road.

View of man standing on a road damaged by a flood.

View of a house in the winter showing ice on the ground.

Man stading ankle deep in water on a flooded street.

A main and child in flat bottomed boat.

Views of water pouring over a dam(?).

Mrs. Metcalf, principal at Norton Seminary reading in her parlor.

Wheaton Seminary.