Panorama from state house.

Panorama from city hall.

Panorama from Bunker Hill monument, south.

Panorama from Bunker Hill monument, south.

Panorama from Bunker Hill monument, S.

Panorama from Bunker Hill monument, S.

Panorama from Bunker Hill monument, S.

Panorama from Bunker Hill monument, south.

Panorama from Bunker Hill monument, west.

Panorama from Bunker Hill monument, W.

Panorama from Bunker Hill monument, W.

Panorama from Bunker Hill monument, W.

Panorama from Bunker Hill monument, N.

Panorama from Bunker Hill monument, N.

Panorama from Bunker Hill monument, N.

Panorama from Bunker Hill monument, north.

Panorama from Bunker Hill monument, E.

Panorama from Bunker Hill monument, E.

Panorama from Bunker Hill monument, east.

The Perkins Insitiution and Mass. School for the Blind.

View from Bunker Hill.

View from the Bunker Hill monument.

View from the state house.

View from Bunker Hill.

Studio portrtait of a man, possibly handicapped, in specially outfitted chair where he is shown building picture frames.

Students in front of Barre High School.

Students in front of Barre High School.

View of a buggy on a residential street.

West side of the commons.

West side of the commons.