Feeding "bunny" Central Park, New York City
Happy childhood hours - May-day scene in Central Park, New York, U.S.A.
Refreshing shade, Central Park, New York.
Our picnic, May Day, Central Park, New York.
Bridge near the arsenal. Central Park. (New York.)
The fountain, Central Park, New York.
Group in Central Park, N.Y.
Rustic rest, Central Park, N.Y.
Cleopatra's Needle, Central Park, New York.
Egyptian obelisk. Central Park, N.Y.
Central Park skating pond
Skating on the lake, Central Park, New York, N.Y., U.S.A.
Skating in Central Park, N.Y.
Skating Central Park - N.Y.
Equestrians in Central Park.
Central Park, a joy for little folks.
The happy family, Central Park, New York.
Tropic charms in northern climes - in the Fern House, Central Park, New York.
Earth's choicest gifts to man - in the Conservatory, Central Park, New York.
Earth's choicest gifts to man - in the Conservatory, Central Park, New York.
Earth's choicest gifts to man - in the Conservatory, Central Park, New York.
Tropical plants in the Central Park Conservatory, New York City.
The beautiful Autumn Exhibit in the Conservatory, Central Park, New York.
The Conservatory, Central Park, New York.
Egyptian obelisk, Central Park, New York, N.Y.
Egyptian obelisk in Central Park New York, a single shaft of stone 3,500 years old weighing 200 tons presented by the Khedive of Egypt.