A double-seated "fighter" equipped with bomb-dropping device, ready to go aloft

Lieut. LeMaitre, French aviation forces, explaining "Nieuport" airplane, Fortress Monroe, Va.

Trench mortar in its well-timbered chamber, view looking straight down

A pioneer of the Kaiser's forests shattered into toothpicks by a shell from the Russian lines

Artillerymen who, between the Germans and the mud, are emplacing their guns with difficulty

German "pill boxes" and "strong points" which cost many lives to conquer

German steel cupola for machine guns, demolished by the Allies

Off for Berlin! High power autotruck delivering large cannon to the firing line in France

French gunners adjusting large cannon mounted on railway track, France

French convalescents, nicknames "The Cripples," about to return to the Front

Sacrificed on altar of German militarism, arrival of dead at military cemetery, Villers au Bois, France