Two Sentinels, 312 ft. high, 69 ft. in in circumference. Mammoth Tree Grove, Calaveras County, California.

Remains of the Original Horseback Ride through log. Mammoth Trees of Calaveras Co., California.

One of the falen Big Trees, circumference 97 feet, Mammoth Trees of Calaveras Co., California.

Fallen Tree, Father of the Forest, circumference 112 ft. at base. Mammoth trees of Calaveras Co., California.

Fallen Tree, Father of the Forest, circumference 112 ft. Mammoth trees of Calaveras Co., California.

Fallen Tree, Father of the Forest, circumference 112 ft. Mammoth trees of Calaveras Co., California.

Fallen Tree, Father of the Forest, circumference 112 ft. at base. Mammoth trees of Calaveras Co., California.

Fallen Tree Hercules, 325 ft. long, circumference 97 ft. Mammoth Trees of Calaveras Co., California.