National Lincoln Monument, Springfield, Illinois. View from a point slightly east of north from the Monument, and across a ravine running east and west through Oak Ridge Cemetery.

National Lincoln Monument, Springfield, Illinois. View from a point slightly east of north from the Monument, and across a ravine running east and west through Oak Ridge Cemetery.

National Lincoln Monument, Springfield, Illinois. View from a point slightly east of north from the Monument, and across a ravine running east and west through Oak Ridge Cemetery.

National Lincoln Monument, Springfield, Illinois. Interior of Memorial Hall.

National Lincoln Monument, Springfield, Illinois. Interior of Memorial Hall.

National Lincoln Monument, Springfield, Illinois. Interior of Memorial Hall.

Marshal Joffre, [Ex-Premier] Viviani, [Admiral] Chocheprat and [Lieut. Col.] Jean Fabry - French War Commission - with Gov. Lowden and State officials at tomb of Lincoln, Springfield, Illinois. [May 7, 1917]

Railroad bridge (Chicago & Northwestern?) across the Des Plaines River.

Group portrait of people in front of cottage, including furniture in a moving wagon.