Apache Braves, ready for the trail, Arizona

A wing shot--quail hunting in the West, U.S.A.

Limestone walls, Kanab Wash

Kanab Wash. Colorado Basin

Cross bedded sand stone, Kanab, Utah

Castle on the Mountain, Echo Canon

Water washed Caves of the Fairies, Point of Rocks

S.B. Reed and Capt. Davis at engineer's office

Cut No. 5, near Red Buttes, Miller & Patterson's work

Mouth of Kanab Wash

Grand Cañon of the Colorado

Grand Cañon of the Colorado

The start, Camp Mohave, A. T.

Across Black Cañon, from Camp 8

Vermilion Mesa, Jacob's Pool, Arizona

Pahute Indians, the three beauties.

Pahute brave.

Group of Pahute Indians.

Piute Indians, at Reno