Deaf and Dumb Institute, Station M., New York City.

Roosevelt Hospital.

Episcopal Home. [Presbyterian Hospital.]

Catholic Orphan Asylum, Madison Ave.

City Hospital, view from South side.

Perspective view of Duane St., showing portion of City Hospital.

South view of City Hospital and Grounds.

St. Luke's Hospital.

Hospital at Black Wells Island, N.Y.

Eye and Ear Informary.

Smallpox Hospital, Black Wells Island, N.Y.

Presbyterian Hospital, 73rd St., bet. 4th and Madison Ave.

Presbyterian Hospital, 73rd St., bet. 4th and Madison Ave.

French Hospital, 42nd Street and Lexington Ave.

French Hospital, 42nd Street and Lexington Ave.

Blind Asylum.

Blind Asylum.

The Presbyterian Hospital.

Stewart's Home for Women, New York City.

Five Points Mission

Thanksgiving at the Home for the Friendless. New York.

School children at the Home for the Friendless.