Art Gallery, Vassar College.

Vassar College.

College buildings, Hanover, N.H.

Birds eye view of St. Louis, Missouri.

Technological Institute, Worcester.

Harvard College building.

Cambridge College.

Institute of Technology, Boston, Mass.

Institute of Technology, Boston, Mass.

Institute of Technology.

Institute of Technology, Boston.

Mass. Inst. Technology.

Institute of Technology, Interior, corner Boylston & Berkley St.

Washburn College.

College of Peter of Bethany.

Brick College after the storm.

College before the storm.

College bell.

Wesleyan Female College.

Orange Grove College, G. C. Spr., Fla.

Yale College?

Yale College, looking south.

Divinity and Marquand.

Divinity and Marquand.

Yale Art building.

New Scientific, [Yale College].

Old Scientific, [Yale College].

Trinity College.

Mansion House, Entrance College Grounds,12th Street, Oakland, Alameda County.