In the great pine forest, collecting turpentine, North Carolina.

In the great pine forest, collecting turpentine, North Carolina.

A turpentine still, N.C.

A turpentine still, N.C.

A turpentine still, N.C.

A turpentine still, N.C.

A turpentine still, N.C.

A turpentine still, N.C.

A turpentine still, N.C.

Greatest resin market in the world, loading ocean vessels, Savannah, Ga.

The Greatest resin market in the world, loading ocean vessels, Savannah, Ga.

Silver Springs Run, Fla. Agnew's Turpentine Establishment. The Still.

Silver Springs Run, Fla. Agnew's Turpentine Manufactory. The Store House.

Silver Springs Run, Fla. Agnew's Turpentine Manufactory. The Cooper Shop.

Turpentine distillery, Florida.

Turpentine distillery, Fla.