The Army of Breadmakers coming, Great Centennial, 1889.

The Merry Highlanders, Great Centennial, 1889.

Grand Duke's Reception.

Grand Duke's reception, Union Square.

Fourth Ave & Union Square. (Grand Duke's Reception).

Reception of the Grand Duke Alexis.

Union Square, New York.

Union Square looking north towards 4th Ave.

Looking Down on New York's Skyscrappers -- From Woolworth Tower (S.W.) Over Battery to Statue of Liberty and Harbor.

Looking Down on New York's Skyscrapers -- From Woolworth Tower (S.W.) Over Battery to Statue of Liberty and Harbor.

Monument of De Witt Clinton.

View of a column.

Statue of Tho's H. Benton St. Louis [by Harriet Hosmer].

Jefferson's Statue and Ffestival Hall, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis.

Jefferson's Statue and Ffestival Hall, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis.

Sumner statue.

Everett statue.

Man looking at the Everett statue.

Everett statue.

Franklin statue in front of city hall.

Statue of Franklin, Court St., Boston.

Old city hall, Boston.

Franklin statue, winter.

Statue of Franklin, Boston.

Sculpture of Lincoln freeing a slave by Thomas Ball in Park Square.

Emancipation group, Park Square, Boston.

Emancipation statue Boston, Mass.

Park Street from state house.

Statuary, Leon R. Myers & Co., 930 Market Street.

Statue of Lincoln, front of Lincoln School House, Fifth Street, San Francisco.