Fort Sumter, 1861

Interior view of Fort Moultrie, Charleston, S.C., taken in 1867

Fort Sumter--after the evacuation by the Confederate forces

Charleston after bombardment, Dec., 1861 - Ruins of St. Finbar's Cathedral - Charleston, S.C.

The Battery, Charleston, S.C.

Fort Sumter, old flag staff, '61 (i.e. 1861)

Fort Sumter in 1872

Ruins of Cathedral St. John and St. Finbar

South angle of Fort Sumter after the war, Charleston, S.C.

A view of the north face of Fort Sumter, taken in 1868, Charleston, S.C.

Parapet view of Fort Sumter, Charleston, S.C.

St. Michael's Church - Charleston, S.C.

Fort Sumpter [i.e. Sumter]

A view of Fort Sumter - Charleston, S.C., from the east

East face of Fort Sumter - Charleston, S.C.

Sea face of Fort Moultrie - Charleston, S.C., taken April, 1861

A view of the sally-port of Fort Moultrie, Charleston, S.C.

The Orphan House - Charleston, S.C.

A view of Fort Sumter from Fort Moultrie

Interior view of Fort Sumter, taken in 1868--Charleston, S.C.

Interior view of Fort Sumter, at Charleston, S.C., showing the jury flag staff erected by Gen. Anderson

Interior view of Fort Sumter, taken April, 1861, Charleston, S.C.

South angle of Fort Sumter after the war, Charleston, S.C.

The Citadel & the Southern Military Academy, Charleston, S.C.

King St. from Bend

Steamer "Planter," Charleston, S.C.

View in Fort Moultrie, 1861 [i.e. 1860]

View no. 4, Sumter Gateway and ruins of Major Anderson's quarters on the right, and Captain Foster's on the left; showing also the arrangement of one of the four Columbiads for throwing shells on Morris Island.

[Fort Sumter interior showing ruins of officer's quarters and entrance to the fort behind damaged flag staff]

Charleston Battery, no. 8