General Gouraud bestowing medals upon French heroes, Chalons-sur-Marne, France

Partners of Americans in Marne counter-offensive. French Moroccan troops on Villers-Cotterets road

Artillery observers telephoning headquarters from the front, on the Marne

Lafayette, we are here! First American soldiers that marched in Paris

An interior scene in the social room of a Y.M.C.A. army camp hut

Thousands marching, thousands watching our National Army, Chicago, Aug. 4, 1917

One of New York's greatest military spectacles, the "Rainbow" Division parading in honor of citizen soldiers

Sunshine keeps our soldiers healthy. Daily sunning of equipment

The heart of the nation, every mother's son ready to do his duty, calisthenics in the army

Class of officers practicing "the short point stab," American Army Camp, U.S.A.

Our boys in France learning to correctly use gas masks

Soldiers about to enter tear-gas trench, Camp Dix, N.J.

Building barbed wire entanglements, reserve officers in training camp, Ft. Sheridan, Ill.

Our answer to the Kaiser, 3,000 of America's millions eager to fight for democracy

Barracks at Camp Devens, boys on hillside writing letter, Ayer, Mass.

Awaiting enemy in French trenches with rifle and mitrailleuse

French reserves watching their comrades going into "The Valley of the Shadow"

French gunners adjusting large cannon mounted on railway track, France

A British "Archie" in action, note range finders

A British 9.2-in. Howitzer under camouflage

Ghastly glimpse of wounded Belgians in hospital, Antwerp, Belgium

French convalescents, nicknames "The Cripples," about to return to the Front

Allied soldiers binding up the wounds of their prisoners after the battle

Section of many miles of French field kitchens

Sharpshooters in protected position near enemy lines

In a French trench, sandbag protected, showing dart bombs

French soldiers resting in the trenches

Picking up the severely wounded from among the dead, battlefield scene, France

Rendering first aid to the wounded in the French trenches

Bringing in wounded on French front after Battle Ablain St. Nazaire