A street in Ramallah, Palestine

The native mode of grinding coffee, Palestine

Courtyard of old Kahn[i.e., han], showing loaded caravan, Shechem, Palestine

Making paper money, Bureau of Printing and Engraving, Washington, D.C.

Mt. Shasta, whose snow crowned summit towers 14,442 ft. above the ocean level, Sisson, California

View from the forecastle deck of battleship Ohio, showing the Maine in the distance, Hampton Roads, Va.

The Czar's golden tableware, Moscow, Russia

Waiting for Uncle Sam - on the beach, Porto Rico

Geisha girls out for an airing in rickshaws - along the Old Avenue, Nara, Japan

Fort Sumter (i.e. Sumner), near Fair Oaks, June 1862. A sharp fight occurred at this place within five minutes after this photograph was made. Cannoneers are hurrying to the guns as alarm is sounding

Sentinel Rock at the mouth of Waweap Creek

Barge loaded with refugees arriving Helena, Ark.

The bottomless pit

The water clock

Taking mould of crystal Domino sugar out of centrifugal machine

Desolate waste on Chemin des Dames battlefield, France

Camouflaged trenches in Chemin des Dames sector

Human wreckage in No Man's Land, Chemin des Dames, France

Weird desolation of Berry au Bac, after four years of fighting, France

"Through it all like horror runs the red resentment of the guns," Oise, France

"Out where the bombs are bursting and the cannons like Hell-doors slam"

Ruins of famous church at Albert, France

Ruined village of Eclusiers, France. M'lle Semmer decorated for heroic actions under fire

The world renowned Cathedral at Reims, France, ruined by the Germans

Ruins of once magnificent Reims, France

"The dogs of war let loose are howling," French 320's in action, near Reims

Trenches of the Allies among the dunes and brambles on the coast of Flanders

Fort Pompelle near Reims, France

Once fair village of Coucy, near Reims, France

The ruined stronghold of Fort de la Malmaison, Chemin des Dames, France