Listening to President Roosevelt's plea for saving the forests - at Raleigh, N.C.

President Roosevelt and Lieut.-Gov. Winston on speakers' stand, fair ground, Raleigh, N.C.

President Roosevelt running an American steam-shovel at Culebra Cut, Panama Canal

The "Sunny South" applauds President Roosevelt assurance of a Panama Canal, Jacksonville, Fla.

President Roosevelt running an American steam-shovel at Culebra Cut, Panama Canal

President Roosevelt discussing America's task with workmen at Bas Obispo, Panama Canal

President Roosevelt in his carriage after dedication of Philadelphia High School

President Roosevelt delivering an address in the rain at the dedication of the Capitol, Harrisburg, Pa.

Col. Roosevelt delivering address, National Army Day, Chautauqua, N.Y., Aug. 19, '99

On the bridge of steamer "Tashmoo." - A trip down the river in honor of President Roosevelt and party, Detroit, Mich., U.S.A.