President Roosevelt speaking from his car at Lake City, Minn.

President Roosevelt's western tour - speaking at Evanston, Illinois

On President Roosevelt's journey through the west - splendid reception at Ellis, Kansas

Colony of Russian-Germans greeting President Roosevelt, Victoria, Kansas

President Roosevelt's visit to Salina, Kansas - looking from the stand over the crowd

President Roosevelt's splendid reception at Abilene, Kansas - returning to his train

President Roosevelt at Abilene, Kansas - looking from the stand toward the train

Great crowds at Kansas City, Kansas, welcoming President Roosevelt

Secretary of Navy Moody and President Roosevelt, facing great crowds at Pocatello, Idaho

Indians racing with President's train under snow-streaked Idaho mountains near Pocatello

"--iron resolution to fight on and on until, instead of defeat and failure, dawns the golden sun of triumph" President Roosevelt to G.A.R., Decatur, Illinois.

James Milliken and President Taylor escort President Roosevelt between lines of school children Dedication James Millikin University, Decatur, Illinois, June 4th 1903.

"We have great problems before us as a nation" President Roosevelt dedicating James Millikin University, Decatur, Illinois, June 4th 1903.

Earnest crowds listening to President Roosevelt, Court House Park, Quincy, Illinois

G.A.R. men and young citizens in thousands at Rockford, Ill., to hear Pres. Roosevelt speak

"No man shall have less than a square deal," - Pres. Roosevelt at Lincoln's Tomb, Springfield, Ill.

President Roosevelt speaking on the country's currency laws, - at Quincy, Illinois

President Roosevelt's western tour - a speech at Quincy, Illinois

Cowboys following the train and cheering President Roosevelt, Hugo, Colorado

Vast crowds before the Capitol, listening to President Roosevelt, Denver, Colorado

President Roosevelt's western tour - the presidential train in the Rockies

President Roosevelt speaking to the great crowds in front of the Capitol, Denver, Colo.

"Pot luck" with the "boys" - President Roosevelt's cowboy breakfast at Hugo, Colorado

"Pot luck" with the "boys" - President Roosevelt's cowboy breakfast at Hugo, Colorado

Returning from the chase at sunset - the wearied dogs welcome a brief halt - President Roosevelt's guide, Meeker, Colorado, U.S.A.

On the great bear hunt - President Roosevelt after leaving Newcastle for the mountains - Colorado

"By hand and heart the American citizen is able to win his way," President Roosevelt, Boise City, Idaho

A bouquet for President Roosevelt from a wee daughter of California at Mojave