Old "Libby Prison" building, Richmond, Va.

The Union prison camp at "Belle Isle," Richmond, Va.

Artillery captured from the rebels

Artillery captured from the rebels

Captured siege guns, at Rocketts, Richmond, Va.

Park of captured guns at Rocketts, Richmond, Va.

Captured guns at the Rocketts, Richmond, Va. The vessels at the docks are shipping them for transportation to Fortress Monroe

Captured siege guns, at Rocketts, Richmond, Va

Captured siege guns, at Rocketts, Richmond, Va.

View of Richmond Va., at the close of the rebellion

View of Richmond Va., at the close of the rebellion

Old "Libby Prison" building, Richmond, Va.

Panoramic view of Richmond in ruins

Arsenal grounds, Richmond, Va., showing ruins and shot and shell scattered around

Arsenal grounds, Richmond, Va., showing ruins and shot and shell scattered around

Ruins of the burnt district, from the canal basin, Richmond, Va., looking east

View in the arsenal grounds, Richmond, Va., showing all kinds of fixed ammunition, and a portion of the Petersburgh (i.e. Petersburg) Railroad Bridge

St. Paul's Church, Richmond, Va.

Belle Island, James River

[View of Richmond, Va., at the close of the rebellion]

Ruins of Gallego flour mills.

Old "Libby Prison" building, Richmond, Va.

The Union prison camp at "Belle Isle," Richmond, Va.

Libby Prison.

Dutch Gap Canal, James River.

Washington monument and City Hall, Richmond, Va.

The dungeons, Libby Prison (Richmond), Chicago, U.S.A.

National Cemetery view.

The tomb of Ex-President Monroe.

Monroe's tomb, Hollywood.