'The Big Rock,' at John Brown's Grave, North Elba.

Lissie Bourne's Monument and Summit House, Mt. Washington.

Lissie Bourne's Monument, and Summit of Mt. Washington, N.H.

Lissie Bourne's Monument, Mt. Wash'n.

Lissie Bourne's Monument, near Summit, Mt. Wash'n., N.H.

Lissie Bourne's Monument, Mt. Washington, N.H.

The Woodbury Sanborn Memorial Stone, at The Weirs, N.H.

The Woodbury Sanborn Memorial Stone, at The Weirs, N.H.

Soldier's Monument.

Tis the city of the dead, St. Louis, Mo, U. S. A..

Soldiers' Monument.

Soldiers' Monument.

Soldiers' Monument, Worcester, Mass.

Soldiers' Monument.

Civil War Soldiers' Monument.

An Indian at the burial place of his fathers in Stockbridge.

The soldiers' monument and Espicopal Church Stockbridge, (Mass.).

The Civil War monument.

Soldiers' Monument.

Battle Ground, monument in foreground, on spot where British soldiers fell.

The Monument.

The Monument.

Concord bridge, where was fired the shot.

Battle Ground monument where first British casualties fell in Revolutionary war.

Battle Ground monument where first British casualties fell in Revolutionary war.

Soldier's Monument, Cambridge.

Soldier's Monument, Cambridge, Mass.

Commons where troops formed under Col. Prescott, June 16, 1775, to march to Bunker Hill.

Captain Malcolm's grave.

Soldiers' Monument, Charlestown, decorated by 5th Maryland regiment.