Interior of the Union Fort Sedgwick, called by the rebel soldiers "Fort Hell," showing Union soldiers on the breastworks

Breastworks and "Cheavaux de Frise" in the Rebel Fort Mahone, called by the soldiers "Fort Damnation"--Lieut. J.B. Krepps, 2d Penn. Veteran Artillery and comrades viewing the works

Rebel breastworks in front of Petersburgh (i.e. Petersburg). The small mounds with chimneys are the soldiers' quarters, under ground

Union picket line in front of the rebel Fort Mahone, called by the soldiers "Fort Damnation", Richmond, Va.

Union picket line in front of the rebel Fort Mahone, called by the soldiers "Fort Damnation", Richmond, Va.

View from the parapet of Fort Sumpter (i.e. Sumter), with Charleston in the distance, taken April 14th, 1865, on the occasion of the raising of the old flag by Gen. Anderson

The Union Line before Petersburg, Va., during the long siege. This gives a good idea of our Line, which was miles in length, and was thoroughly occupied

Sherman's men destroying railroad. Marching through Georgia. "So we made a thoroughfare for Freedom and her train, sixty miles in latitude, three hundred to the main"