Side cañon.

Flaming Gorge.

Light-house Rock.

Head of Disaster Falls, Canyon of Lodore, Green River, NW Colorado.

Canyon of Lodore, Green River, NW Colorado.

Gate of Lodore.

Ashley's Falls, Red Cañon.

Needle Butte.

Green River Station, U.P.R.R.

View of an individual standing next to wooden beams that are leaning against an adobe structure.

American chapel of San Miguel.

Santa Fe, San Miguel Street.

Santa Fe, church of San Miguel, the alter.

Santa Cruz, the plaza.

Church of Santa Cruz, the alter.

San Juan, interior of church.

Mexican residents and a Burro.

Burros and people on San Francisco Street.

Burros and people on San Francisco Street.

Burrows laden with fodder and wood.

Burros laden with fodder.

Dos cargas," manner in which fuel is brought to S.F.

Dos cargas," manner in which fuel is brought to S.F.

Dos Cargas," two loads.

Santa Fe, N.E. view.

Santa Fe, N.E. view.

Bird's-evey view, north from College.

Looking into a plazita.

A Mexican residence.

Mexican residence.