Primitive native life of India--Hindu women grinding at the mills

Picturesque Hillah on the Euphrates below Babylon

Liberty Square with Parliament House--One of the finest sections of Budapest, capital of Hungary

Picking seed in a great onion field, (E.) at Quedlinburg, Germany

The new Reichstags-Gebäude--Hall of the Imperial Diet, (completed 1894), Berlin, Germany

Natives in festal costume ready to begin the "fan" dance, Fiji Islands

Primitive manufacturing - natives making pottery, Fiji Islands

Preparing the pit of white-hot stones for the bare feet of the "fire-walkers", Fiji Islands

Cannibal Tom (80 years old), the last relic of Fiji cannibalism -- Fiji Islands

The "meke" or national dance, a part of all great Fiji ceremonies, Fiji Islands

A picturesque holiday ceremony, the "fan" dance, Fiji Islands

A feast day in the Fiji Islands -- gaily bedecked natives just beginning the national dance

The Nilometer (measurer of inundations), Island of Elephantine, first cataract, Egypt

Peking, the capital of China, looking east from a balcony of the Drum Tower

Queen's buildings along the waterfront, Hong Kong, China

Park 15th of November; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America

View of a city built on a dozen hills, from Mt. Castello, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, So. Am.

Avenida Rio Branco from Hotel Avenida on a holiday, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, So. Am.

Guanabara Palace, one of the residences of the President, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, So. Am.