Grace Allen's statue, Forest Hills cemetery, Boston.

Grace Allen's statue, Forest Hills cemetery, Boston.

Flower bed, Forest Hills cemetery, Boston.

Topiary work in an unidentified garden.

Hopkins Hospital, Broadway Boulevard, Baltimore, Md.

Hallowell granite quarry.

A home in Hallowell, Maine.

Log jam, Hallowell, Me.

Ice storm, Hallowell.

Freshet on the Kennebec River.

Ice storm, Hallowell, 1869.

Freshet on Kennebec at Hallowell.

Bridge over the Kennebec River.

Bridge over the Kennebec River.

On the Kennebec River. Hallowell, Me., Feb. 7, 1870.

Kennebec River with ruins of bridge. Sunday, Feb. 20th, 1870.

Hallowell, Maine, Feb. 20, 1879.

View of a freshet that partially flooded the town with ice and water and destroyed the bridge across the Kennebec River.

Hallowell coal sheds.

Hallowell coal sheds.

View of Hallowell, looking up the river.

Florida, banana blossom and fruit.

Banana blossoms.

View of an altar and the organ.

Looking down the great Inclined Railway, Mt. Lowe, California, U.S.A.

Granite Gate, Mt. Lowe Rail Road, Mt. Lowe, California, U.S.A.

Eucalyptus blossoms and leaves, Cal.