[Artillery post inside the fort at Port Hudson facing the river after the siege in 1863]

[View of the river with Port Hudson on the bluff in the distance]

[Cannon and artillery in the battery at Port Hudson after the siege]

View of a section of Major Bayley's seventeen gun battery, Port Hudson, La.

Approach to Reb. [i.e. Rebel] works on right flank at Port Hudson

"The Confederates had only field pieces with which to defend their works...battered guns...were mounted in the camp of Duryea's and Bainbridge's battery..."

[Detritus of war within the earthworks after the surrender of the Confederates at Port Hudson, Louisiana]

[Union sailors preparing to engage the Confederates at Battery 10 during the siege in May and June of 1863, Port Hudson, Louisiana]

[Damage to Confederate fortifications at Port Hudson after the siege]

In the background is the "17 gun Union Battery"...In the foreground is shown the interior of the right flank defences of the rebel works...

The New York City skyline brings a thrill to the heart of every returning doughboy, U.S.S. Louisiana arriving in the harbor

U. S. battleships serve as transports in bringing our troops home. The Louisiana at dock in New York Harbor