Dining room, Soldiers' Home, Marion, Ind., U.S.A.

Dining room, Soldiers' Home, Marion, Ind., U.S.A

G.A.R Review, Sept. 5, 1893, Indianapolis, Ind., U.S.A.

G.A.R Review, Sept. 5, 1893, Indianapolis, Ind., U.S.A.

G.A.R Review, Sept. 5, 1893, Indianapolis, Ind., U.S.A.

Citizen's National Bank, Indianapolis, Ind.

Nez Perces Indians of Idaho.

Harvesting Indian River pineapples, Florida, U.S.A.

Pine apples growing on the Indian River, Florida.

Group of Kiowa and Caddoe [sic] Indians, in native costume, confined in Fort Marion. St. Augustine, Florida.

Kiowa, Comanchee, and Caddoe Indians, confined in Fort Marion. St. Augustine, Florida.

Group of Native Americans.

Indian guard, confined in Fort Marion, St. Augustine, Fla.

Group of Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indians in natural costume, confined in Fort Marion. St. Augustine, Florida.

Black Horse, wife and child in native costume, confined in Fort Marion, St. Augustine, Florida.

Medicine Water, and wife Mocchi, with Romeo, the Cheyenne interpreter, in native costume, confined in Fort Marion, St. Augustine, Florida.

Indian prisoners at Fort Marion.

A Picture of the Indian cut throats and scalpers who were confined in the old Spanish fort as prisoners of war by the United States Government.

Drawbridge of the Old Spanish Fort showing Mantanzas River with Anastasia Island in the distance.

Group of the 3 most celebrated Indian Chiefs and 2 women prisoners, confined in the Old Spanish Fort.

Group of the 3 most celebrated Indian Chiefs and 2 women prisoners, confined in the Old Spanish Fort.

Group of the 3 most celebrated Indian Chiefs and 2 women prisoners.

Group of the 3 most celebrated Indian Chiefs and 2 women prisoners.

Group portrait of the Native American prisoners.

Group portrait of the Native American prisoners.

Indian River at Rockledge.

View on Indian River, Rockledge.

Indian River, looking north from Jupiter Tower.

A scene on the Indian River, Florida.

Indian mound, Cedar Key, Fla.