Tombeau de S.M. l'Empereur Napoleon 1

No.: 601
Subjects: Napoleon, Tissue, Tomb, Hand-Colored
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)
Location Map

Zero milestone and south portico of the White House, Washington, D.C.

Broadway, N.Y. from 18th St.

Father of the forest, Calaveras Grove, Cal.

Fort Sumter (i.e. Sumner), near Fair Oaks, June 1862. A sharp fight occurred at this place within five minutes after this photograph was made. Cannoneers are hurrying to the guns as alarm is sounding

[Dead Confederate soldier in the trenches of Fort Mahone, Petersburg, Virginia]

David's triumph and reward

Statue of the Civilization in front of Capitol at Washington, [D.C.]

The Bald Eagle

Flowers & fruit

Country produce

Wallack group

[Conservatory view, P.T. Barnum's estate, Bridgeport, Connecticut]

[Music room, P.T. Barnum's estate, Bridgeport, Connecticut]

[Interior view, P.T. Barnum's estate, Bridgeport, Conn.]

P.T. Barnum's parlors

[Interior view, P.T. Barnum's estate, Bridgeport, Connecticut]

Santa Claus

Santa Claus

New Years morning, preparing to call

New Years calls, the close

Miss Flora McFlimsey of Madison Square

The new dress

The shoemaker

Taking a smile

Barber shop

Barber shop

Nose out of joint

The lorgnette

Fast racing