Broken 15 inch guns, Navy Yard, Washington D.C.

Publisher: Kilburn Brothers
Photographer: Kilburn Brothers
Series: Washington D.C.
No.: 319
Subjects: Navy Yard, Washington D.C., Guns
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)

British anti-aircraft gun in action on Balkan front, camouflaged and mounted on auto

Captured German machine guns on road from Villers-Cotterets to Soissons

French "75" gun in action against battle planes

A British "Archie" in action, note range finders

Invocation by Rev. Frank W. Gunsaulus of Chicago, opening day, World's Fair, St. Louis Apr. 30, 1904

Rev. Frank Gunsaulus of Chicago offering prayer at opening of the World's Fair, St. Louis, Apr. 30, 1904