Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt, at home in the White House, Washington, D.C.

Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt, at home in the White House, Washington, D.C.

Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt, at home in the White House, Washington, D.C.

[Zieber family outside their Philadelphia home at Broad and Girard Ave.]

Aguinaldo, the famous Insurrecto and his son, Manila, Island of Lugon, P.I.

Gen. Grant's family.

An Hour's search; or, Aunt Venue hunting for Florida fleas

An Hour's search; or, Aunt Venue hunting for Florida fleas

An Hour's search; or, Aunt Venue hunting for Florida fleas.

An Hour's search; or, Aunt Venue hunting for Florida fleas.

An Hour's search; or, Aunt Venus hunting for Florida fleas.

A Pioneer's Sunday in Southern California.