Picking cotton near Montgomery, Alabama

[Middle of Cottonwood Canyon, no. 1, Wasatch Mountains, Utah]

In the great spinning room - 104,000 spindles - Olympian Cotton Mills, Columbia, South Carolina

Moss tree, Montgomery Ala.

Picking cotton near Montgomery, Alabama

Cotton field, Retreat Plantation, Port Royal Island, S.C.

Weaving cotton cloth, Dallas Cotton Mills, Dallas, Texas

Spinning cotton yarn in the Great Textile Mills, Lawrence, Mass.

General view in large printing room of cotton mills, Lawrence Mass.

Spoolers where the yarn is wound from bobbins onto spools, White Oak Cotton Mills, Greensboro, N.C., U.S.C.

Memphis Exhibit, Negro Building, Atlanta Exposition

Interior of Negro Building, Atlanta Exposition

Interior of Negro building, Atlanta Exposition

We'se done all dis's Mornin'." [Girls with basket of cotton in the field.]

We'se done all dis's Mornin'." Picking cotton on a Mississippi plantation.

We'se done all dis's Mornin'." Picking cotton on a Mississippi plantation.

Cotton picking, Mississippi, U.S.A.

Family group posing in cotton field.

Galveston: view from Lufkin's Wharf, southeast.

Cotton Gin, Greenville, Texas

Spooning Yarn, Dallas Cotton Mills, Dallas, Texas, U.S.A..

Slashing or Starching the Warp, Dallas Cotton Mills, Dallas, Texas, U.S.A..

Slubbing Yarn, Dallas Cotton Mills, Dallas, Texas, U.S.A.

Carding Cotton, Dallas Cotton Mills, Dallas, Texas, U.S.A.

Openers - First Process in Manufacturing Cotton, Dallas Cotton Mills, Dallas, Texas, U.S.A.

Cultivating Cotton, Dallas, Texas, U.S.A.

Cotton Mills, Dallas, Texas, U.S.A.

Group in cotton field.

Cotton plant.

Going to the gin.