In the great spinning room - 104,000 spindles - Olympian Cotton Mills, Columbia, South Carolina

President Roosevelt at Columbia College, N.Y. City, U.S.A.

[Fontinelle Weller posed as Columbia]

Columbia College Law School, New York

Columbia College Law School [New York]

Great chained log rafts containing millions of feet of lumber, on the Columbia River, Wash., U.S.A.

Penitentiary washstand.

Warping room in the great Olympian Cotton Mills, Columbia, South Carolina.

In the great spinning-room - 104,000 spindles - Olympian Cotton Mills, Columbia, S.C.

In the great spinning-room - 104,000 spindles - Olympian Cotton Mills, Columbia, S.C.

University grounds.

Columbia Tunnel.

Columbia Tunnel.

Channel Rocks at the Dalles. Columbia River, Oregon.

View of the Upper Cascades. Columbia River.

Rooster Rock. Columbia River.

View of the Upper Cascades. Columbia River.

View of the Upper Cascades. Columbia River.

View of the Upper Cascades. Columbia River.

View of the Upper Cascades. Columbia River.

Stupendous Log-raft, containing millions of feet. Columbia River, Oregon.

Stupendous Log-raft, containing millions of feet. Columbia River, Oregon.

Stupendous Log-raft, containing millions of feet. Columbia River, Oregon.

Stupendous Log-raft, containing millions of feet. Columbia River, Oregon.

Stupendous Log-raft, containing millions of feet. Columbia River, Oregon.

Stupendous Log-raft, containing millions of feet. Columbia River, Oregon.

Stupendous Log-raft, containing millions of feet. Columbia River, Oregon.

Stupendous Log-raft, containing millions of feet. Columbia River, Oregon.

Stupendous Log-raft, containing millions of feet. Columbia River, Oregon.

Stupendous Log-raft, containing millions of feet. Columbia River, Oregon.