Soldiers' Home, Washington, D.C.

Publisher: Kilburn Brothers
Photographer: Kilburn Brothers
Series: Washington D.C.
No.: 899
Subjects: Soldiers' Home, Cannons, Washington D.C.
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)

Arsenal Grounds, Washington D.C.

Publisher: Kilburn Brothers
Photographer: Kilburn Brothers
Series: Washington D.C.
No.: 315
Subjects: Arsenal, Washington D.C., Cannons
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)

Arsenal Grounds, Washington D.C.

Publisher: Kilburn Brothers
Photographer: Kilburn Brothers
Series: Washington D.C.
No.: 312
Subjects: Arsenal, Washington D.C., Cannons
Collection: User Contributed (Nathan Moore)

Old battery on Bedloe's Island--Ellis Island in the distance, New York Harbor

The Japanese Embassy in New York--scenes and incidents

Maj. Gen. Sherman and staff. This view was taken in the trenches before Atlanta, Ga.

Captured rifled steel breach-loading Whitworth Gun, Richmond, Va.

Gen. Ingalls, 4th New-York Artillery, loading a cannon

Fort Sumner on the Chickahominy, Va.

Captured siege guns, at Rocketts, Richmond, Va.

Captured guns at the Rocketts, Richmond, Va. The vessels at the docks are shipping them for transportation to Fortress Monroe

Captured siege guns, at Rocketts, Richmond, Va

Captured siege guns, at Rocketts, Richmond, Va.

Soldiers and part of a battery, on the battlefield of Bull Run

Rebel fortifications, Atlanta, Ga.

Fort McAllister, on the Ogechee (i.e. Ogeechee) River, Ga.

Maj. Gen. Sherman and staff This view was taken in the trenches before Atlanta, Ga.

A large gun in the Rebel Works at Petersburgh (i.e. Petersburg), Va.

Sea face of Fort Sumpter (i.e. Sumter), shewing (i.e. showing) broken guns, shot, shell, & c.

North wall of Fort Sumpter (i.e. Sumter)

Fort Johnson, James Island, S.C. showing the face towards the channel

Fort Johnson, James Island, S.C., showing the face towards the channel

Swamp Angel Battery near Charleston, S.C.

Water Battery of Fort Johnson, James Island, S.C.

View of Ft. Sumpter (i.e. Sumter), showing a mingled mass of debris, shot, shell & bursted gun

View from the parapet of Fort Moultrie, Charleston Harbor (i.e. Sullivan's Island), S.C., looking N.E.

One reason why we did not go to Richmond

Weird [i.e. Wiard] steel cannon, Washington Arsenal

View from the parapet of Fort Moultrie, Charleston Harbor (i.e. Sullivan's Island), S.C., looking N.E.

Fifteen-inch gun in Battery Rodgers on the Potomac