Picking cotton near Montgomery, Alabama

St. Helena Village, St. Helena Island, So.Ca. [i.e. South Carolina]

Smith Plantation Port Royal Island SC

Group of old folks at home, "Old Fort" plantation, Port Royal Island, S.C.

South gate enterance (i.e. entrance) to flower garden and conservatory, Mt. Vernon

Picking cotton near Montgomery, Alabama

[Two Negroes leaning over a log]

President and Mrs. Roosevelt at the Jamestown Exposition

A pontoon boat on wheels

Pontoon boat ready for the march. Hundreds of these boats and timbers kept along with our army

A group of "contrabands"

A Negro family coming into the Union lines

A group of "contrabands"

Contraband foreground

Comrades will all remember how we made a rush for the old well to fill our canteens, when on the march. This is the way it was

Execution of a deserter, Alexandria, Va.

Bomb-proof quarters of Major Strong, at Dutch Gap, Va., July, 1864

Making coffee. On the lines before Petersburg, Va., 1864

Classic ruins of the Bank of Chambersburgh

Contraband camp - Harper's Ferry, Va.

The slave market, Atlanta, Ga.

Slave pen, Alexandria, Va.

Slave Pen, Alexandria, Va.

Slave Pen, Alexandria, Va.

Slave pen, Alexandria, Va.

Uncle Ned's school

Camp scene at Fortress Monroe

Camp scene at Fortress Monroe

Camp scene at Fortress Monroe, Va.

Negro quarters, T.J. Fripp plantation, St. Helena Island (near Beaufort), S.C.